安装 Go的最新版本

安装最新版本的 Go。有关下载和安装 Go 编译器、工具和库的说明,请, 查看安装文档.

下载Go Windows 64-bit, macOS, Linux, 及 更多.

Go Gopher riding a motorcycle
  • 文档

    关于 Go 的所有知识。开始一个新项目或复习现有的 Go 代码.

  • Go边学边练

    Go 的交互式介绍分为三个部分。每个部分都以一些练习结束,这样您就可以练习所学.

  • 在线运行

    Playground 允许任何拥有 Web 浏览器的人编写 Go 代码,我们可以立即在我们的服务器上编译、链接和运行这些代码.



  • Web 开发

    Go Web 示例提供了有关如何使用 Go 进行 Web 开发的易于理解的代码片段.

  • CLIs

    本次研讨会将引导您使用 Go 构建 CLI 应用程序,并在此过程中向您介绍基本的 Go 原则和 CLI 框架.

  • 编码新手?

    开始学习这门介绍性课程,涵盖基本的编程原理和 Go 基础知识.

  • 通过实例学习Go

    Go by Example是使用带注释的示例程序对 Go 的动手介绍。在处理任何 Go 项目时,这是一个很好的起点。


  • Codecademy

    本课程涵盖设置 Go 环境、Go 的基础知识,并将引导您构建一些示例项目.

  • Exercism.io


  • 谷歌开发者代码实验室

    开始使用免费的 Codelab,引导您使用 Go 构建和发布 Google Cloud Function.

  • Gophercises

    通过本课程建立您对使用 Go 的信心,您将在其中构建大约 20 个不同的 Go 应用程序.


  • 入门

    在本教程中,您将简要介绍 Go 编程。在此过程中,您将安装 Go,编写一些简单的“Hello, world”代码,使用 go 命令运行您的代码,使用 Go 包发现工具,以及调用外部模块的函数.

  • 创建模块

    这是教程的第一部分,介绍了 Go 语言的一些基本特性。在本教程中,您将创建两个模块。第一个是旨在由其他库或应用程序导入的库。第二个是调用者应用程序,它将使用第一个.

  • 开发web服务

    本教程介绍了使用 Go 和 Gin Web 框架编写 RESTful Web 服务 API 的基础知识。在本教程中,您将构建一个具有两个端点的 RESTful API 服务器。.

  • 访问关系数据库

    本教程介绍了使用 Go 及其标准库中的 database/sql 包访问关系数据库的基础知识。在本教程中,您将创建一个数据库,然后编写代码来访问该数据库.


  • 阿丹实验室


  • Gopher指南


  • 老板酱创意


  • Shiju Varghese

    Go 的现场课堂培训和分布式系统架构咨询,在印度.

  • meetup logo

    Jun 14, 2022 · Roma, RM Italy

    Meetup Golang Roma, con Filippo Valsorda

    Benvenuto su **Golang Roma**, la community romana di appassionati di Go.

    L'obiettivo del gruppo è di riunire gli amanti di Roma e dintorni di questo linguaggio, fare networking, condividere esperienze e mantenersi aggiornati!

    Seguici anche sugli altri nostri canali:

    * Twitter: [@golangroma](https://twitter.com/golangroma)
    * Github: [golangroma](https://github.com/golangroma)
    * Telegram: [Golang Roma](https://t.me/+-2rfddb0IhQzN2Ri)
    * Sito Web: [https://www.golangroma.it](https://www.golangroma.it)

    Il nostro Meetup segue la [Go Community Code of Conduct](https://go.dev/conduct), promuovendo un ambiente inclusivo e rispettoso!

  • Book Club > Get Programming With Go group photo

    Jun 15, 2022 · Eugene, OR USA

    Book Club > Get Programming With Go

    All Gophers and curious software professionals are welcome to come discuss Go and related topics.
    Go is a Google-funded language for massively-scalable distributed systems that is statically typed and compiled. It has quickly stabilized and is running head-to-head with C++, Java, C#, etc. (The Computer Language Benchmarks Game - Go). However, a larger-than-expected portion of new Gophers is made up of dynamic/interpreted language users who tend to be seeking relief from the cruft in their current languages and/or a more clear future within the horizontally-growing landscape of modern computing.
    If you're building web apps, designing APIs, thrive on scalability, or you're simply curious about this fun new(ish) language, let's meetup.
    • More resources are available at www.euggo.org

  • Golang Reston Monthly Meetup group photo

    Jun 15, 2022 · Reston, VA USA

    Golang Reston Monthly Meetup

    (from golang.org)

    The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language.